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Jeju CCTV Control Center Protects Citizens with 24-Hour Monitoring
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½ÂÀÎ 2024.06.05  16:41:33
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Jeju Special Self-Governing Province CCTV Control Center has been instrumental in enhancing community safety by preventing a total of 6,931 crime and safety incidents last year through 24-hour real-time monitoring.

Jeju Province has upgraded its system by implementing various advanced technologies at the CCTV Control Center, which monitors the region’s network of closed-circuit televisions in real-time.

Last year, the Control Center’s crime and accident prevention performance increased by about 40% compared to 2021, with 6,931 incidents reported. Additionally, it provided 7,409 CCTV footage to the police for criminal investigations, with over 70% of them being utilized to solve crimes.

Of the 4,000 videos used for risk prevention, about 2,100 captured intoxicated individuals wandering or lying down on roads and sidewalks, which were promptly reported to the 112 emergency control room to prevent potential dangers. Moreover, the footage played a decisive role in the arrest of suspects in 7 cases. Also, out of 58 cases of missing persons requested by the police, the focused monitoring by the control staff helped locate 2 individuals.

Every year, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province installs closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) in areas with security blind spots to reduce safety gaps, and is continuously upgrading its systems including the expansion of intelligent selective monitoring systems and license plate recognition systems in alleyways. Additionally, the province is enhancing its rapid collaborative response system with police, fire services, and disaster response centers by sharing relevant video footage.

Particularly this year, the intelligent selective monitoring system will be upgraded to recognize incidents of “falling,” improving monitoring efficiency. Furthermore, the alleyway CCTV license plate recognition system will be expanded for hit-and-run incidents and verification tasks for vehicles with unpaid dues. In collaboration with the police, preparations are underway to implement an “Artificial Intelligence (AI) Missing Persons Tracking Platform” to establish an early response system for missing persons, focusing more on strengthening the role of the CCTV Control Center in safeguarding the residents’ safety.

Kang Dong-won, Director of the Jeju Province Citizen Safety and Health Department, stated, “We will continue to strengthen cooperation with related organizations and enhance our systems to ensure that the CCTV Control Center plays a central role in protecting the lives and properties of citizens from various crimes and safety accidents, and we are committed to creating a safer Jeju.”

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