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Required Personal Information
The company collects the following personal information for membership applications, consultation, and application for services.
-Information collected: name, user ID, password, question and answer for forgotten password, email, legal representation information, credit card information, bank account information, record of utilization of service, access log, cookie, access IP information, record of payment
- Collection method : via the website (membership application), various reports and applications
Personal information collection and purpose of use
- Fulfillment of contract and payment for offered services
: Contents offer, purchase and payment, delivery of goods and bills, personal verification of financial transactions and services
- Member Management
: Personal verification for membership service utilization, prevention of illegal use and unauthorized use by unruly members, verification of intent of membership, age verification, verification of legal representative¡¯s agreement on collection of personal information for people under the age of 14, handling disputes and customer service, conveyance of notifications
-Utilization of marketing and advertizement
: Development and specialization of new service or products, conveyance of advertizing information including event information, statistical investigation on user access frequency or utilization of membership service
- Others
: Citizen reporter system, use of community
Duration of Retention and Use of Personal Information
As a general rule, the company retains and uses a customer¡¯s personal information for the notified and agreed duration and, once the purposes of collection and use of the personal information are achieved, it is without delay destroyed. Further, the following information may be retained for such duration for such reasons as set out below:
-Items preserved: name, user ID, password, question and answer for forgotten password, telephone number, home address, mobile phone number, email, company phone number, hobby, legal representation information, credit card information, bank account information, record of utilization of service, access log, cookie, access IP information, record of payment, pen name, self-introduction
-Reasons for retention: Assisting law enforcement agencies in criminal investigation
-Duration of Retention: 5 years
If required to retain personal information pursuant to applicable laws, we retain users¡¯ personal information for such durations as prescribed thereby, in which case the Company will use the information solely for the purposes of retention, and applicable durations of retention are set out below.
-Items preserved: name, user ID, password, question and answer for forgotten password, telephone number, home address, mobile phone number, email, company phone number, hobby, legal representation information, credit card information, bank account information, record of utilization of service, access log, cookie, access IP information, record of payment, pen name, self-introduction
-Reasons for retention: E-Commerce Act; and Article 6 of the Enforcement Ordinance thereof, The use and protection of credit information Act
-Duration of Retention: 5 years
-Records on fair indication and advertizement : 6 months (Article 6 of the e-Commerce Act; and Article 6 of the Enforcement Ordinance thereof)
-Records on contracts or withdrawal of offers and the like: 5 years (Article 6 of the e-Commerce Act; and Article 6 of the Enforcement Ordinance thereof)
-Records on payment settlement and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years (Article 6 of the e-Commerce Act; and Article 6 of the Enforcement Ordinance thereof)
-Records on processing of customer disputes and complaints: 3 years (Article 6 of the e-Commerce Act; and Article 6 of the Enforcement Ordinance thereof)
-Records on collection,processing and utilization on credit information: 3 years (The use and protection of credit information act)
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Contact no.
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English (¿µ¾î) Chinese (Áß±¹¾î) Both (ÅëÇÕº»(¿µ¡¤Áß))
Subs. period
6 mnths (6°³¿ù) 1 yr (1³â)
6 mnths (6°³¿ù) 30,000 1 yr (1³â) 60,000
6 mnths (6°³¿ù) 30,000 for both 1 yr (1³â) 60,000 for both
Pay method
ATM transfer (¹«ÅëÀå ÀÔ±Ý) Online transfer (ÀÚµ¿ÀÌü) Check (Áö·Î¿ëÁö)
Nonghyup 301-0015-7935-11 Acc name : (ÁÖ)±Û·ÎÄôº½º
I wish to subscribe to Jeju Weekly print edition. (À§¿Í °°ÀÌ Á¤±â±¸µ¶À» ½ÅûÇÕ´Ï´Ù.)


Jeju Weekly

Title:The jeju Weekly(Á¦ÁÖÀ§Å¬¸®)  |  Mail to  |  Phone: +82-64-724-7776 Fax: +82-64-724-7796
#503, 36-1, Seogwang-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea, 63148
Registration Number: Jeju, Ah01158(Á¦ÁÖ,¾Æ01158)  |  Date of Registration: November 10,2022  |  Publisher&Editor : Hee Tak Ko  | Youth policy: Hee Tak Ko
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