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Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Commemorates the 76th Anniversary of April 3rd with the Special Performance ¡°The Sound of the Wind¡±
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½ÂÀÎ 2024.04.04  17:47:38
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Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has presented a special planned performance, “The Sound of the Wind,” on April 6th, in commemoration of the 76th anniversary of the Jeju April 3rd Incident. The performance, set against the backdrops of Jeju and Osaka, Japan, reflects on the modern history, including the April 3rd Incident, each in their own time and manner.

The play “The Sound of the Wind” is an adaptation of the novel “The Voice of the Wind” by Kim Chang-saeng, a second-generation Korean-Japanese author.

It tells the story of twin sisters who flee to Osaka on a smuggling ship amidst the tempest of the Jeju April 3rd Incident, depicting the longing for their homeland by the first generation of Korean-Japanese from Jeju and the observations of the second generation. The play also delves into the uneasy lives and discrimination faced by Korean-Japanese living on the edge of division between South Korean nationality and ‘Chosun-ness,’ as well as the turmoil and scars related to national identity.

The play “The Sound of the Wind” was awarded the Best Work Award at the 1st Kansai Theater Awards in Japan, earning recognition for both its artistic quality and popularity.

This performance features the participation of about 20 Korean-Japanese and Japanese actors from the theatre group ‘Dal-O-Reum.’ 'Dal-O-Reum’ is a Korean-Japanese theatre group based in Osaka, Japan, with the third-generation Korean-Japanese Kim Min-su serving as the director and adapting the work himself.

Kim Yang-bo, the Director of the Culture, Sports, and Education Bureau for Jeju Province, expressed his hopes for the performance, stating, “I hope this performance, unfolding in Jeju, which remembers April 3rd as a time for reconciliation and co-prosperity, serves as a meaningful opportunity to reflect on the significance of April 3rd left in the lives of Korean-Japanese from Jeju.” He also emphasized the importance of community interest in the efforts to inscribe April 3rd documents as a UNESCO Memory of the World, aiming to elevate the history of April 3rd to a global level.

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