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Key Technologies for Major Energy Transition to be Developed in Jeju
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½ÂÀÎ 2024.01.03  16:06:55
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¡ã Korea Institute of Energy Research’s Jeju Global Research Center​

Jeju, a leader in pursuing carbon neutrality, is spearheading the energy transition. Here, various research and development institutions are collaborating to develop key technologies for sector coupling, essential for the efficient distribution and utilization of renewable energy.

Sector coupling refers to the technology of converting surplus electricity generated from renewable sources into other forms of energy like heat or gas for storage and use. This helps overcome the intermittency and variability of renewable energy.

The inauguration of the Sector Coupling Integration (SCI) Research Group and its launching ceremony were held on the 16th of last month at the Korea Institute of Energy Research’s Jeju Global Research Center​

The SCI Research Group, including the Korea Institute of Energy Research and other R&D institutions and companies, is committed to developing key multi-sector coupling technologies to enhance the acceptance of variable renewable energy (VRE). Jeju Special Self-Governing Province is planning to establish local policies and ordinances for sector coupling. This six-year project, starting from July 2023 and continuing until June 2029, involves an investment of KRW 46.1 billion.

Oh Young-hun, the Governor of Jeju, expressed his significance at the launch ceremony, stating, “It is very meaningful that the SCI Convergence Research Group, aimed at acquiring world-class key technologies in sector coupling and establishing an integrated demonstration platform in response to Jeju’s renewable energy output control, starts here in Jeju.”

He added, “By augmenting various flexible resources like sector coupling and increasing the acceptance of renewable energy, we can resolve output control issues and move closer to realizing a carbon-neutral society. I hope the SCI Convergence Research Group successfully develops these crucial sector coupling technologies, merging energy and environment, to power the advancement and leap of a carbon-neutral economy.”

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province anticipates that if the SCI Convergence Research Group develops key technologies like high-efficiency P2H for converting electricity to heat, pioneering P2G for converting electricity to gas, and integrated demonstration platforms for sector coupling, it will significantly enhance the utilization of renewable energy resources, contributing to the successful realization of carbon neutrality.

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