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Disaster alerts are available in English, Chinese, and Japanese for foreigners residing in Jeju
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½ÂÀÎ 2023.08.10  15:57:53
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Foreigners staying in Jeju can now receive disaster and safety information in English, Chinese, and Japanese.

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province announced that through the foreign language version of the Safety Dditimdol app, or "Emergency Ready Application," foreigners residing within the island can swiftly and accurately receive disaster alerts and other relevant information.

Safety Dditimdol is an app created by Korea’s Ministry of the Interior and Safety, providing various disaster and safety information such as emergency disaster alerts, citizen action guidelines, evacuation centers, heat shelters, hospital locations, and disaster news in a quick and accurate manner.

By installing the Emergency Ready Application from the app store, foreigners can access disaster and safety information in their chosen language (English, Chinese, or Japanese), including disaster alerts, citizen action guidelines, embassy information, 119 fire reporting, civil air defense shelter locations, police station, fire station, and emergency medical center.

In the event of disasters such as typhoons, heavy rain, or earthquakes, the local government has been sending emergency disaster messages based on mobile phone base stations to minimize damages.

As the service was available to both domestic and foreign residents without prior classification, foreigners who received disaster alerts in the Korean language found it difficult to fully understand the urgency of situations.

Furthermore, foreigners can opt in for the disaster alert service through the Jeju Disaster Safety Headquarters website to receive various disaster and safety information, including weather warnings, closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage, rainfall information, and disaster action guidelines, via text messages or KakaoTalk alerts in a timely manner.

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