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Special Exhibition in Commemoration of the One-Year Anniversary of Jeju Gallery in Seoul
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½ÂÀÎ 2023.06.02  15:53:36
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Jeju Special Self-Governing Province is holding the special exhibition ‘Art, Slice of An Act’ by the late KIM TEKWA (1940-2006), born in Jeju, to commemorate the first anniversary of the opening of the Jeju Gallery in Seoul (Insa-dong).

This special exhibition commemorates the first anniversary of the opening of the Jeju Gallery in Seoul and displays one of the most noted artists from Jeju, the late KIM TEKHWA. The exhibition started on the 26th of last month and will be held until May 15.

KIM TEKHWA is the first person from Jeju to major in contemporary art and is a first-generation abstract painter who made a massive footprint in the art history of Jeju. This exhibition will exhibit 67 of his paintings and sketches.

KIM TEKHWA crosses between abstract and figurative painting fields based on his outstanding drawing skills. He was an artist who expressed the sceneries of Jeju and people’s everyday life vividly. At this exhibition, visitors can chronologically examine the space and time of Jeju, where he worked out of, and learn how he established his unique visual vocabulary and methodologies.

¡ã The late artist KIM TEKHWA (Photo=KIMTEKHWA Museum)

Jeju Province plans to look into his art world, which spans over 40 years, capturing the landscapes and life of people in Jeju while also sharing the excellence of his art far and wide through this exhibition.

This exhibition was titled ‘Art, Slice of an Act,’ borrowing from a quote by KIM, “Art is just a slice of an act.” The ‘act’ he talks about refers to an 'act’ or gesture out of fun, as well as his ‘passion’ and ‘perseverance’ of delving deep into the world of art.

Meanwhile, the Jeju Gallery in Seoul, located in Insa-dong, was opened in March of last year to help artists based in Jeju advance into the capital area. Its operation was consigned to the Korea Fine Arts Association Jeju Chapter.

Jeju Chapter Chair Song Jae-gyeong stated, “300 million KRW was spent this year for the Jeju Gallery in Seoul. It will not only offer opportunities for promising artists in Jeju-do to advance into the Seoul area and help improve the capacities of local artists but also demonstrate the excellence of works from Jeju to people outside of the island, contributing to the distribution of artworks from Jeju artists.”

Jeju Province Culture, Sport and Tourism Bureau Chief Oh Sung-yool commented, “We will continuously work hard so that the Jeju Gallery in Seoul can serve as an exhibition area for Jeju Artists and fulfill its role as a platform for leading the cultural arts of Jeju.”

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