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Screening of Soup and Ideology for April 3 Families
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½ÂÀÎ 2023.01.12  16:20:14
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In the year marking the 74th anniversary of the April 3 Incident, the bereaved families watched the film Soup and Ideology (Director Yang Yonghi), which examines Korea’s modern history through the story of a Korean resident family in Japan and brings attention to an important topic that should never be forgotten.

The Jeju 4.3 Peace Foundation held a special screening of Soup and Ideology at CGV Jeju on November 13th and invited the bereaved families of the 4¤ý3 victims.

This special screening was organized to provide opportunities for the bereaved families to appreciate the film and to broaden people’s understanding and empathy for the April 3 Incident through the audience's dialogue with the director Yang Yonghi.

Soup and Ideology is the final piece of Director Yang Yonghi's trilogy of documentaries following Dear Pyongyang and Goodbye, Pyongyang.

Produced in Korea and Japan, the film reveals the pain of the 4¤ý3 Incident through the story of Yang's mother, who is a first-generation Korean-Japanese and a survivor of the 4¤ý3 Incident who moved from Jeju to Osaka and lived there for nearly 60 years.

The film won the White Goose Award at the 13th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival and was invited to the international competition at the 17th Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival and "The Landscape of Here in Now: An Hommage to Soup" at the 24th Seoul International Women's Film Festival.

Since it was screened in Japan in June, it has received favorable reviews, with many Japanese audiences sympathizing with the pain of Jeju natives who had to cross over to Japan to escape the massacre during the April 3 Incident.

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