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Jeju Museum of Art Hosts 2022 Online Open Call Exhibition
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½ÂÀÎ 2022.08.17  10:56:27
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¡ã Poster

The Jeju Museum of Art (JMOA, Director Lee Na-yeon) is hosting a virtual exhibition of award-winning artwork of the online JMOA open-call contest titled “Between Life and Humans” from the 19th of last month to September 18. Jeju Weekly took part in an opportunity to share some of the artwork with JMOA’s cooperation.

¡ã View of online exhibition

With the aim to expand its channels of communication by displaying contents under new concepts through collaboration with the general public, JMOA has been collecting plans from Jeju residents for an open-call exhibition consisting of its own collection from last May. Subsequently, on June 24, final candidates were selected and multiple consultations were held to support the organization of this exhibition.

¡ã “Your Dark” by Go Yeong-u, 91 x 116.7 cm, Photo:JMOA

This exhibition marks JMOA’s second online exhibition and expresses diverse aspects of the subjects by comparing life before and after COVID-19 in two sections.

¡ã “Record: The Angle of Time” by Kim Ji-eun, Photo:JMOA

“The Days Before” displays artwork that allows viewers to feel the preciousness of things that we had taken for granted before through ordinary scenes from everyday life of people mingling together.

“The Days After” is composed of works that depict people’s confusion as they guard against the masses out of fear towards the spread of an infectious disease and their individual isolation.

¡ã “Everyday Life” by Kim Yeong-hun, Photo:JMOA

JMOA Director Lee Na-yeon commented, “We hope that this open-call exhibition will be the first step in providing opportunities for the general public to directly participate in exhibition planning and we will continue to strive towards diversifying methods of utilizing the online JMOA web platform.”

¡ã “In Between: The Song of Life” (2007) by Kim Yeong-cheol, 145.5 x 145.5 cm , Photo:JMOA

Meanwhile, the online JMOA exhibition is available for viewing via PC or mobile web platforms and can be accessed via the online JMOA website ( or the online JMOA tab on the main JMOA website (

¡áInquiries: Jeju Museum of Art (¢Ï 064-710-4274)

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