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Touching a boy¡¯s penis was once part of the Korean culture, but now it became a crime
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½ÂÀÎ 2017.10.27  16:43:05
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¡ã Captured from the movie, Christman In August

It is no longer common in Korea. But just a few decades ago, it was not hard to find a baby’s naked picture hanging on the wall of the photo studio.

And at that time, grandparents sometimes express their love and care towards their grandson by touching their penis. It sounds strange but it was their language.

As the world changed rapidly, the values that people have changed too. Especially, the value of sex is one of the things that changed dramatically.

But some people, especially the elderly, couldn’t keep up with the changes.

He touched a boy’s penis and got fined 15 million won.

A 60-year-old man touched a 10-year-old boy’s penis in a public bath. The old man touched the boy’s penis two times while he was swimming in a cold bath. It was 10:55 p.m. in March.

As a result of that, he was arrested and fined 15 million won or $13,200 and ordered 40 hours of sexual abuse treatment program.

The judge, who was in charge of the case, said, “The value of sex has been changed a lot from the time when the old man grew up. It seems like the boy, who is still establishing his own value of sex, was tremendously shocked.”

And he continued, “In order to give him a punishment, we considered that he admitted his crime and deeply reflected what he had done. His crime is also comparatively light as it was his first offence.”

Even a famous figure got in trouble.

Mr. Song is a 90-year-old man and still working as a host of the singing program that many Korean people love.

¡ã Captured from KBS1

But during the program, he pretended to touch 9-year-old boy’s penis and it became a problem.

The boy sang a female singer’s song and did it very well so the host wanted to check his gender by reaching there in a funny way.

However, the committee of the Broadcasting and Communications Commission said that the younger generation can not understand his action, and send a warning to the program.

Some Korean netizens said, “These days, what he did is not acceptable to many people. He shouldn’t do that.” Whereas, some said, “He didn’t mean anything. He did it because the boy was cute like his own grandson.”

¨Ï Jeju Weekly 2009 (
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